Mailing List for
Link Stash

Hi! I am Charles 👋, founder of LinkStash

Thank you for your interest, it means a lot to me. Before you enter your email and join the list of beta customers there is a few things you should be aware of.

LinkStash is still a work in progress
I am working hard to get the application ready for you guys and should have something ready by May 25 2020. It will not be 100% perfect. There might be some bugs, but we will squash them together :)

Beta customers will get 3 months free
This app will be paid from the get-go but I want will offer 3 months to my beta customers. After the beta, you will have to pay to continue using it.

With these two things out of the way, go ahead and enter your email down below and I will get in touch with you in the next days :)

Enter your first name (or nickname) and email :)

I promise I won't spam you!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.